Ever wondered how to make your team more efficient and fun to work with !
Try theater ! Try improvisation ! Try acting in general !
Theater technics are packed with thousand of games and exercises to practice trust, connection with others, listening skills, and group reactivity. Depending of your objectives, we will build sessions that will :
- change the way the people in your team look at each other
- create fun memories for your team
- help team members connecting on a different, more human, level
Depending of your objectives, we can incorporate « real work life » games and improvisations, this can be specially helpful if your team experiences tensed situation, on which you’d like to progress in a original way. The cathartic virtues of theater are perfect to help find a way forward on complex human relationships at work.
At THEATRA, we combine a strong acting experience with over 20 years of corporate sector, so we know exactly how to deal with corporate professionals to bring them great moments or help them progress.
Contact us to know more about our offer « Act 4 Teams » and how we can work together today !